A Good Year for Apples

Conrad, Erin and I joined the ruddy-checked preschool field trip to “Farmer Paugh’s” orchard.
The apple trees where heavy with ruby red apples that bowed the branches like red and green Christmas globes.
Last year, an early frost killed many of the budding flowers and similarly my pre-season illness threw off my Olympic ambitions. It’s easier to be philosophical about it now… At the time I was in the trenches and busting my ass training in a fury to regain form. The summer and fall were good and I had good form and some nice late season apples like wins at TranSylvania Epic Mountain Bike Stage Race and the Shenandoah 100
This year has been full on fun adventure and awesome! Aside from some arrows pointed the wrong, way my speed was almost scary at the early races.
Bonnelli and Fontana short track, attacks at Bump N Grind, and a win in Windham! The team needed me early, so a lot of the focus was to carry the torch until Pua and Max got back on track. Mid-summer the crew was together, knocking out killer rides in Marathon Nats and CZ. Alex had a great year too; honing his XC game with some Top-5 Pro XCT form wining at the PCPP and Tinker sailed the flag to earn a 24-hr title and many other great rides!
But most of all, the team was on when it needed to be. Paul, Jordi, Scott, and Jonny worked hard, had fun and hit the mark.
We should be proud of the most pro wins of any North American Team; Sho-ing some style in the process – a shining bushel of apples indeed!
What does this blog have to do with rum apple cider? Hmm nothing really. Hh yeah…. well guess that’s a stretch to say combining the two metaphors with a toast to a great effort that had only begun turning, heads inspiring folks to get out and ride and to boldly go where no bike has gone before!
Team Sho-Air Cannondale is on the march, and with a expanded focus we plan on putting some footprints in new places and smiles on faces.
Next year looks golden delicious!