DIYtri Update: My First Brick

The Canyon #DIYTri is just 2.5 weeks away. With this, I am setting out to do something new. I am not going for a Fastest Known Time (FKT); for the first time in a long time, I am working to just get it done. I am just looking to finish with an increased thirst for beer, gain some fitness and have fun.
Now, let’s talk about some training. Being able to train again with purpose is good. Mostly.
My calves have a warm burning in a way that can only be described as the fire you might get from running up the ski slope. I just got off of doing 50 miles on Speedmax at a nice hard tempo. I am doing a brick workout for the first time. Sweat is stinging my eyes and I contemplate the normal ease of running this 3 mile lap. “Maybe I should save a little bit on the bike for my weak leg of running.”
A lot of the things I have seen in triathlon articles and photos are starting to make sense. People collapsing mid race with cramps, the use of sweat bands and towels in transitions and the obvious lack of gloves.
My training thus far has been going pretty well, although it is all of two weeks old. However our outdoor pool just closed so I got in only one swim in the last two weeks. The outdoor locations are getting cold but I am learning new tricks like the swim cap sandwich and to warm up before I get my swim on and keep in short.
I have to admit I’m learning more in the last 3 weeks than the last three years of cycling!
Everything from pace management for multisport to what swim workouts best focus on my weak kick much of it from Slowtwitch in fact. The forum is great for some answers and the beginner 21 week series is gold mine of great direction.
Of course, some things like neoprene booties for swimming probably are more novelty for me but dang if my aero position on the next gravel race is going to be super dialed. The reality is sometimes you just have to go to know. I will keep on learning from reading of course but the action of positive and negative reinforcement in the real world should make me a better athlete all around.
Pushing yourself is a process that is sure reap rewards now matter what you endeavor to do. This effort is already making me smile from that accomplished feeling of setting out to do something new and working to get it done!